Tuesday, May 8, 2007

SB 30 Back to Conference

Senate Bill 30, the bill that contains the AIM/TRIM manufacturing inputs sales tax exemption, has been scheduled for another conference committee meeting that will occur early this afternoon. The committee wants to fix a couple of items and add one additional provision. So far, the planned changes are not problematic for our part of the bill, but other provisions of the bill could cause problems with some Senators expressing their opposition. We have been working with the sponsors and other interested parties to keep our provision in the bill.

Please contact your legislators and let them know your position on the AIM/TRIM manufacturing sales tax exemption in SB 30. This bill has the potential to be the most important manufacturing legislation introduced in the last decade.

We will report on the status of the bill following the conference committee meeting today.

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(C) 2007, 2008, Ray McCarty Governmental Relations, (C) 2009, 2010 Associated Industries of Missouri