(May 1, 2007) The Taxpayers Research Institute of Missouri has been working with legislative leaders, state officials and the governor's office to craft language that is acceptable to all those involved and that accomplishes our top tax legislative priority for the 2007 session: the manufacturing inputs sales tax exemption. The final product would allow the sales tax exemption for state tax only and would allow companies that may qualify under the existing sales tax exemptions to continue to receive the full benefit of state and local sales tax exemption.
The legislation is now contained in the Conference Committee Substitute on HB 327. We are also working to ensure its inclusion in SB 30 as that conference is formed and begins work on a conference committee substitute for that bill.
Those interested in helping this bill become law should contact their legislators now and let them know you support the AIM/TRIM manufacturing inputs sales tax exemption in SB 30 and HB 327.
The legislature has plenty of time to pass both of these bills and we have crafted them to work in harmony should both pass and become law. The legislature will adjourn Friday, May 18.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
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(C) 2007, 2008, Ray McCarty Governmental Relations, (C) 2009, 2010 Associated Industries of Missouri
(C) 2007, 2008, Ray McCarty Governmental Relations, (C) 2009, 2010 Associated Industries of Missouri